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3 Critical Social Security Questions Most People Can't Answer

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Welcome to Topretirements Best Places Newsletter for November 5.  Whew, Election Day in the US is behind us, and maybe we will even have a winner soon! Our hope is that now we can start listening to one another and come back together as one nation.

The results of our Social Security IQ Test are a highlight of this issue. Only one half of our Members could answer correctly three critical questions on maximizing Social Security benefits.

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55+ Home Builders Surprisingly Confident

Homebuilders in the 55+ market are surprisingly optimistic these days. The National Association of Homebuilders issued  a press release with statistics showing confidence in every component of the 55+ housing market - single family, condos, and rentals - was at an all time high.  More>>

Prescott, Arizona

One of the most popular retirement places in Arizona, this former capital of the territory is booming. It has colleges, museums, festivals, and more dozens of active communities to live in.  More>>

FInd Your Best Place to Retire

How Did You Do on the 2020 Social Security IQ Test?

Our latest version of the SS IQ Test was instructive - to us, and we hope you too! Over 300 people have taken it so far, with an average score of 62%. A key finding: many members misunderstand key benefits and how to maximize them. Here are the answers to each question -  and the results for each.   Take the Test Again >>


Replacement Income from Social Security Falling

As the Full Retirement Age gradually increases to age 67 and Medicare premiums go up, the share of pre-retirement income replaced by Social Security is falling.  Meanwhile, 401(k) balances are increasing. Here is what is happening.  More>>

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